
Sections in this reference


GET https://api.rasterwise.com/v1/get-scrape

Use this endpoint to invoke the API and modify the request with the parameters below.

Required Parameters

Parameter Type Description Example
apikey string Your secret API Key. This is required to authenticate your request. ?apikey=5WjESjB72Rb2JC7frBf026kBgg82DaPQIOxc
-Not an actual apikey-
url string URL of the website / page you want to crawl/scrape. Should start with http:// or https:// &url=https://google.com

Required Extraction Parameters

Parameter Type   Example
extract string A comma-separated list of entities that you want GetScrape to automatically extract for you. Here is a list of available operations to extract entities:

emails: extracts email addresses
phones: extracts US phone numbers
dates: extracts dates and gives them in ISO format
lists: extracts html lists (<ol> & <ul>)
headings: extracts html headings (h1,h2,h3,h4,h5)
text: extracts all the document text
number: extracts all the numbers present in the document text
images: extracts url images
links: extract hyperlinks
social: extracts hyperlinks from known social networks
meta: extracts meta tags information
rawdom: gives a raw representation of the DOM
scope string This parameter allows you to pass a selector to scope the crawling operation into a particular DOM node. When passed it will perform the crawling only inside the matched node. Pass DOM element selectors in jQuery fashion. https://api.jquery.com/category/selectors/ &scope=#someid > div > li

Include or Exclude Results with a Matching Word

Parameter Type   Example
exclude string Passing the exclude parameter set to a string will exclude results that match that string. For example, exclude=ads will exclude any result in the arrays that contain the string ads. &exclude=ads
exclude_start string Works like exclude but it will only exclude strings that start with the passed string. This is useful to exclude data with certain prefixes. For example URL protocols. &exclude_start=http://
exclude_end string Works like exclude but it will only exclude strings that end with the passed string. This is useful to exclude data with certain suffixes. For example file formats. &exclude_end=.svg
filter string Passing the filter parameter set to a string will filter results that match that string. For example, filter=ads will only include results in the arrays that contain the string ads. You can think of filter as the opposite of exclude. &filter=ads
filter_start string Works like filter but it will only include strings that start with the passed string. This is useful to only show data with certain prefixes. For example URL protocols. &filter_start=https://
filter_end string Works like filter but it will only include strings that end with the passed string. This is useful to only show data with certain suffixes. For example URL protocols. &filter_start=https://

Drop Results from Start or End of Array

Parameter Type   Example
drop_start number This parameter allows you to drop results in the response by passing a number. For example if you’re trying to exclude the first two entities from a result, you can pass drop_start set to 2. &drop_start=2
drop_end number This parameter allows you to drop results in the response by passing a number. For example if you’re trying to exclude the last two entities from a result, you can pass drop_end set to 2. &drop_end=2

Get Results with Even or Odd Indexes Only

Parameter Type   Example
even_only boolean If set to true only the results with an even index will be returned. &even_only=true
odd_only boolean If set to true only the results with an odd index will be returned. &odd_only=true

API Results Workflow Parameters

Parameter Type Description Example
webhook string A valid endpoint URL that can receive and respond to a POST request (preferably an endpoint that you control). If set, we will send a POST request to the provided endpoint (webhook listener). &webhook=https://webhook.myapp.com

Browser Control Parameters

Parameter Type   Example
customjs string A custom JS evaluation you want to inject before the crawl operation. If passed we will inject this statement as a header <script> with a just in time model (script will be injected after loading and before crawling). Useful to force actions that are needed to perform the crawl operation correctly. &customjs=alert("Injectd JS");
click array (as string) The click parameter will dispatch a click at the start of the rendering flow to the passed coordinates or DOM element. For example if you need to click in the coordinates X = 20px and Y = 100px you can pass an array [20, 100. If you need to click on a button or element you can pass the selector of said element. This is helpgul to crawl elements that only render after a click action. &click=[20,10] or &click=#demobtn
width number Width in pixels of the viewport under which the crawl operation is happening. This parameter is helpful to work with pages that change the DOM in narrow viewports which can facilitate the extraction of certain info. Defaults to 1280 &width=1200

Getting Started

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